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Castell Rhaglan / Raglan Castle | Usk | Gales | Reino Unido

Castell Rhaglan / Raglan Castle

Atracción | Usk | Gales | Reino Unido

El Castillo de Raglan es una impresionante fortaleza de finales de la Edad Media cerca del pueblo de Raglan en Monmouthshire, al sureste de Gales. El castillo fue iniciado en el siglo XV por Sir William ap Thomas, conocido como el "Caballero Azul de Gwent", y fue ampliado por su hijo, William Herbert, el primer conde galés. Se considera uno de los últimos grandes castillos construidos en Gales, que combina características tanto defensivas como palaciegas.

Arquitectura y características
El Castillo de Raglan se destaca por su arquitectura única que considera tanto funciones defensivas como comodidades residenciales. Una característica destacada es la torre hexagonal Great Tower, también conocida como la "Torre Amarilla de Gwent", rodeada por un foso lleno de agua. La torre tenía cinco pisos, cada uno consistente en una sola habitación, y era accesible a través de un puente de madera. El castillo cuenta con torres poligonales, posiblemente diseñadas para imitar las del Castillo de Caernarfon, simbolizando las raíces galesas de la familia. La propiedad también incluye una magnífica Long Gallery y uno de los jardines renacentistas más finos de Gran Bretaña.

Importancia histórica
Durante la Guerra Civil Inglesa, Raglan Castle se mantuvo leal a la corona. Después de un asedio por parte de las tropas parlamentarias en 1646, el castillo fue tomado y parcialmente destruido para evitar su posterior uso militar. A pesar de estas destrucciones, el Castillo de Raglan siguió siendo un símbolo del poder y la influencia de sus constructores.

Estado actual
Hoy en día, el Castillo de Raglan es una ruina que sin embargo permite vislumbrar su antigua gloria. Los restos del castillo ofrecen una visión fascinante de la arquitectura y la vida de la nobleza de finales de la Edad Media en Gales. Los visitantes pueden explorar las ruinas, admirar los intrincados trabajos en piedra y disfrutar de las vistas del paisaje circundante.

El Castillo de Raglan sigue siendo un monumento histórico significativo que refleja la rica historia y cultura de Gales.
Castell Rhaglan / Raglan Castle Usk

Datos de contacto



Raglan Castle
NP15 2BT Usk

Vista de mapa


Domingo10:00 - 16:00
Lunes10:00 - 16:00
Martes10:00 - 16:00
Miércoles10:00 - 16:00
Jueves10:00 - 16:00
Viernes10:00 - 16:00
Sábado10:00 - 16:00


3639 Reseñas

bill reynolds

One of my favourite castles.A good couple of hours to look around.Nice shop,but bring a pic nick!
Leanne Healing

9.50 to enter so just took pictures from outside. Lovely castle will definitely pay next time I visit. Big car park. Noticed a cafe there too.
Tania Gollan

Stunning! This castle was so much more than anticipated. There were even sections of original plaster that still has exposed horse hair! A must to see as far as I'm concerned! It has easy parking and washrooms.
julie payne

Spent over an hour exploring ☺️ well worth a visit
Nathan Grinham

Incredible castle. Although half destroyed, there are so many glimpses into just how complex and grand this site would have been. My criticism is that the lack of information boards means that a lot of the complexities of the castle need a keen eye and a good imagination to understand. History squad has an excellent video on YouTube that reveals a great deal of information that should be available for paying customers on site. Some reconstructive illustrations around the castle would give a much greater value for money!
Beee Phe

Stunning, quite frankly a must!!!! Loved this castle utterly beautiful 😍
Rebecca W

Wow! Such a truly beautiful place… well worth an explore..
Claire Huber

Absolutely stunning place with endless nooks and crannies to explore. Amazing experience.
griff wolf

A lovely old castle now under the care of Cadw. A fascinating history is documented around the site on boards and you can explore quite extensively but be warned if you have limited mobility you may find some of the original steps very high and a lot of the stair cases and speak status don't have any hand rail.
Kelsey Doyle

My favourite place
Greg N

Sadly, closed to visitors when we visited, due to snow. If ever I'm back, I'll be sure to visit properly.
Roy Murdock

excellent layout, in decent shape for one of englands (relatively) newer castles. worth a look!
Eric Arnold

Heel mooi en groot
Denise Cruz

What a beautiful sight to see definitely worth it if you are around the area or planning a trip to Wales it also has a lovely gift shop filled with welsh products like welsh spoons and welsh cakes.
Lesley Davies

Great castle to visit
Andy Thomson

Very good castle with friendly staff
Calum Rivers-Cole

Great castle with a significant amount still standing. Lots of history and fun for the whole family!
Curtis Parsons

Amazing place amazing staff , great events and atmosphere
Hacker Monkey

Love Raglan castle! We went there recently for an event with cadw being cadw members we try and visit as many events throughout the year. The one they had at raglan there was juggling jim for the kids, there was all sorts of old worldly tents and people, they did a real hog cut up and bbq, they were all super friendly and very into there chatectors. The castle itself is always kept clean the grounds are great, the staff are great. Definitely worth a visit here.
L Lyons

Beautiful large castle, with excellent panoramic views. Free entry with Cadu membership. Lovely little gift shop.


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